Job Gallery

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Month New Jobs Applicants Resume Databank
Oct 2024 0 4 4
Sep 2024 0 2 2
Aug 2024 0 3 2
(Since Oct 2010)
399 644 416

Job Seeker

This service is only available to IEM members. Members will be able to browse, search or apply for jobs posted in the IEM Job Gallery. Members may also post resumes to our Resume Bank. Our Resume Bank is available to companies who have vacancies for engineers, engineering technologists or engineering technicians.

Click here to login.

Search Candidate

You are able to search candidate in our resume databank.

Click here to login if you are IEM member.

Click here if you are a non-member to sign-up for free access to search for candidates.

IEM Resume Databank

IEM members will be able to upload their CV / resume to our IEM Resume databank.

Click here to login if you are IEM member.

Job Advertiser

Please email the following advertisement details to

  • Details of the position to be advertised
  • Company name and address
  • Details of person to contact (email and phone number)
  • Job vacancy advertisement form

  • Job Vacancy Advertisement Form - download
  • Job Vacancy Advertiser condition of application - download

Internship (Coming Soon)

For employers, please click here to post internship opportunities. This service is provided without any charge.

For students seeking internships, you may login with your IEM Student Member details to search or browse available internship opportunities.





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