MoUs Signed with IHLs

Memorandum of Understanding with Institutions of Higher Learning

IEM has embarked on the signing of MoUs with Institutions of Higher Learning (IHLs) with a view to increase the membership of engineering students in IEM, as well benefitting the staff and lecturers of the engineering faculties of the IHLs. Through the MoUs, the IHLs enjoy a financial incentive of 30% from the total membership fees collected from the students for the purpose of the Student Chapter to fund its activities on campus.

IEM will ensure that the students and graduates are professionally affiliated with IEM by giving them the opportunity to attend IEM’s activities which would enhance their professional development in terms of their engineering career. As an IEM member, students are able to enjoy the activities organised by IEM including courses, seminars, talks and visits which are generally technical in nature to enhance and complement the theoretical knowledge provided by the IHLs. Participating in events organised by IEM would enable students to meet and communicate with senior or experienced engineers, which will enhance their ability to understand and comprehend the lectures better in the IHLs.

Becoming a member of IEM is the first step towards the journey of becoming a registered professional engineer. Once a member has acquired the necessary experience and pass an assessment of his or her competency set by IEM, he or she will be then upgraded to the category of Corporate Member of the Institution which carries the post-nominal “MIEM”.  Corporate Members of IEM are qualified competent engineers and could then choose to also change their registration with the Board of Engineers, Malaysia as Professional Engineers and adopt the “Ir.” pre-nominal and adding the “P.Eng” post-nominal to their name, hence recognising them as registered professional engineers. 

Click List of Agreements/MoUs to view the list


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