Presidential Address

President's Name
Year (Session)
Ir. Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Chiang Choong Luin 2024 - 2025 "ESG as Catalyst For Engineering Evolution"
Ir. Prof. Dr. Norlida bt Buniyamin2023 - 2024Continuing the Pursuit For Sustainability
Ir. Prof. Dr. Norlida bt Buniyamin2022 - 2023IEM Spearheading Sustainability
Ir. Ong Ching Loon2021 - 2022IEM Connects
Ir. Ong Ching Loon2020 - 2021

Augmenting IEM

Ir. David Lai Kong Phooi2019 - 2020

Engineering The Nation

Ir. David Lai Kong Phooi2018 - 2019

Are We Quintessential Engineers?

Ir. Tan Yean Chin2017 - 2018

Inclusive IEM for Sustainability  |  Powerpoint Slides

Ir. Tan Yean Chin2016 - 2017

“Rejuvenation of the Institution for Long Term Sustainability”  |  Powerpoint Slides

Dato’ Ir. Lim Chow Hock2015 - 2016

Liberalisation of Engineering Services - the Wings for Engineers to Soar  |  Powerpoint Slides 

Dato’ Ir. Lim Chow Hock2014 - 2015

Challenging Engineers in National Economic Transformation Programme  |  Powerpoint Slides

Ir. Choo Kok Beng2013 - 2014Forward Engineers Malaysia
Ir. Vincent Chen Kim Kieong2012 - 2013Vision 100K
Ir. Vincent Chen Kim Kieong2011 - 2012Shifting Gears
Dato Ir. Prof Dr. Chuah Hean Teik2010 - 2011Engineering Mobility, Globalisation and Green Technology for a Sustainable Future
Dato Ir. Prof Dr. Chuah Hean Teik2009 - 2010Building the Past, Engineering the Present, Educating the Future
Dato Paduka Ir. Hj. Keizrul Abdullah2008 - 2009From Nation Builders to Nation Movers


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