Environmental Engineering

Objectives :

The objective of the Environmental Engineering Technical Division of IEM is to promote and advance the science and profession of environmental engineering and to foster the involvement of its members in national as well as international activities related to environmental engineering.

The other objectives include:

  • To create awareness among members on present technology, issues and legislation related to the usage of natural resources such as water, air and land; and their waste disposal methods;
  • To disseminate news and technological advancement in the pollution technology, control and management;
  • To conduct courses, seminars etc for the benefit of members where possible;
  • To liaise with national and international organisations and institutions in the area of environmental engineering and management;
  • To foster the involvement of members in the national and international activities related to environmental technology, planning and management.


Members of the IEM in any grade may become members of the Environmental Engineering Technical Division. Membership is effected by registration with the Division and no extra membership fees shall be payable.

Please fax your suggestions for seminars, courses, workshops, technical talks and visits to IEM at 03-7957 7678 or email to sec@iem.org.my.


Sub Section of Environmental Engineering

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