Past Event

One Day Workshop on Railway Electrical Systems
Venue: Wisma IEM
Date & Time: 24 May 2017 (9:00 AM - 5:30 PM) Closed
CPD: 6.5
Closing Date Before: 21-May-2017 (Subject to change based on availability of seat)
Organised By Technical Division - Electrical Engineering (EETD)


The railway industry is growing rapidly in Malaysia. The continued investment by the government on the railway would mean that the industry must be prepared to transform itself in facing future challenges in terms of safety, development, train operations, maintenance and future planning. There is also a need to have a better control on the quality and types of products to be introduced in Malaysia. To transform the industry, we must also look into enhancing safety awareness and technical knowhow within the industry. Simultaneously, we must look into enhancing the capability of the local manufacturers to enable them to support the railway industry. Several new strategies and initiatives are being introduced for this purpose which includes human capital development.

To expose participants to fundamental of train propulsion system, AC and DC traction power system design, simulation and sizing of equipment. To expose participants to comprehensive introduction on the requirements of utility bulk power supply scheme for rail transportation system which will also include supply reliability, adequacy, and power quality phenomena and harmonic mitigation using harmonic filters. To expose participants to railway system reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS), electromagnetic compatibility and electromagnetic interference. We strongly encourage engineering students, engineers and industry players who are currently working in or planning to work in the railway industry or impacted by the evolving technology in the railway industry to attend this workshop.


1. Ir. Dr. Amir Basha Ismail, Institution of Engineers Malaysia, EETD: Railway Electrical Systems WG

Ir. Dr Amir Basha Ismail served LLN/TNB for 33 years and was involved in the planning, design and operation of the 500kV/275kV/132kV National Power System Grid, and was entrusted to the university project and was made the Founding Dean of College of Engineering, University Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN). He joined Minconsult Sdn. Bhd, and was involved in power systems projects, such as power generating plants, electric traction railway projects, renewal energy projects, management and engineering audits of electricity supply industry and formulation of feasibility study reports / master plan study reports related to energy / electricity planning. He is currently the Senior Advisor Consultant at Minconsult providing expert inputs on electrical train traction power supply and distribution systems of the ongoing PRASARANA LRT 3 project

2. Prof. Ir. Dr. Au Mau Teng, Institute of Power Engineering UNITEN

Professor Ir. Dr. Au Mau Teng P. Eng, MIEEE, MIEM between 1980 to 1998 has served in various positions in LLN/TNB as Technical Assistant (Protection and Power Line Carrier), District Manager, Customer Service Engineer, Planning and Construction Engineer, and Manager (Distribution Engineering).  He then joined University Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) as a senior lecturer. He is now a Professor in the Institute of Power Engineering, UNITEN and his research and consultancy areas are in the power system, power quality and energy efficiency. He has been a consultant for projects on power quality, distribution system planning, and energy efficiency for TNB, KTMB, and KeTTHA.

3. Dr. Ajeet Kumar, L & T Technology Services

Dr. Ajeet Kumar is a system assurance manager with more than 16 years of experience on system assurance & RAMS (rails and infrastructure system). Dr Ajeet Kumar has hands on experience on both product and project RAMS, form planning to execution of Metro Rail Projects. Contributed many international and national metro and rail projects such as Delhi Metro (India), Sao Palo Metro (Brazil), Jakarta Metro (Indonesia), Network Rail (UK), Doha Metro (Qatar), Sydney Metro (Australia), Hyderabad Metro (India), and Invensys Rail (UK & USA). Contributed many research papers and articles on the subject and delivered many invited talk for Industries and academia such as Atkins Gurgaon, L&T Metro Hyderabad, HBL Hyderabad, IIT Kharagpur, IMRT Hyderabad, IIM Raipur, IIIT Hyderabad, NIT Patna, ESCI Hyderabad, GBU Gr. Noida, AKTU Lucknow and JNTU Hyderabad.

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One Day Workshop on Railway Electrical Systems

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