Past Event

One Day Workshop on Programming for Engineers (Part 2) - Visual Studio Community IDE
Venue: Wisma IEM
Date & Time: 25 Feb 2017 (9:00 AM - 5:30 PM) Closed
CPD: 7
Closing Date Before: 22-Feb-2017 (Subject to change based on availability of seat)
Organised By Special Interest Group - Information and Communications Technology (ICT)


An integrated development environment (IDE) is a software suite that consolidates the basic tools developers need to write and test software. A compiler is a computer program (or a set of programs) that transforms source code written in a programming language (the source language) into another computer language (the target language), with the latter often having a binary form known as object code. Both IDE and compiler are two of the most important elements in the world of programming.

There are many compilers and IDE available in the market ranging from open source compiler such as NetBean, Android Studio, Eclipse to proprietary compiler such as Visual Studio.

Visual Studio is one of the popular IDE and compiler in the programming world. In this workshop we will learn how to use Visual Studio's IDE and its compiler. Visual Studio was developed by Microsoft that comes with pre-install programming language such as C++, C# and VB.NET. It offers multiple programming language in one solution. It allows plugin language such as Python, Javascript, Fortran etc. Visual Studio also support multiple product development which includes desktop app, mobile app, web app, games, cloud and windows IOT.

This 1 day workshop will gives the participants a hands on experience on using Visual Studio. Participants will learn how to build desktop application, learn its development flow and, at the same time, the operation of Visual Studio IDE.


This workshop will provide a hands on opportunity on using Visual Studio IDE. The participants will experience a real world application development process.  The immediate benefits are as follow :-

•  Learning Visual Studio IDE
•  How to add project, file and solution in Visual Studio
•  Writing code
•  Compiling code
•  Error trapping
•  Application deployment

It is strongly recommended that the participant bring his/her own laptop with Visual Studio Community edition installed. The community edition can be downloaded from


Chee Shai Choon is currently leading a group of software developers in C&S Software Solution Sdn Bhd. He is the developer of the Infravera software for Earthworks (ZeonEarth), Urban Stormwater Design (ZeonStorm and xStorm), Water reticulation (Aquator), drain (Drain+) and sewer network (Sewer+). In his years of developing civil engineering products, he had gained an in-depth knowledge of the design process and is willing to share his experience and knowledge with the participants.

He is a civil engineer with good technical knowledge in engineering concepts. He has accumulated 20 years of his experience in the field of IT and engineering design.

He had conducted talks/training in various organizations like IEM, JOS in JPS Ampang, Wawasan Professional Training Centre in KL as well as event such as (April 2014) seminar of “One Day Seminar on Water Supply-Pipeline Design by Manually and Computer” and (Nov 2016) “Programming for Engineers” at PJ organized by IEM.

His official website is


As this is a hands on workshop, participants are required to
• Bring your own Laptop
• Pre-installed - Visual Studio Community Edition. Download from

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One Day Workshop on Programming for Engineers (Part 2) - Visual Studio Community IDE

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Online Rate
HONORARY FELLOW 450.00 400.00
FELLOW 450.00 400.00
SENIOR MEMBER 450.00 400.00
MEMBER 450.00 400.00
HONORARY MEMBER 450.00 400.00
SENIOR GRADUATE 300.00 250.00
GRADUATE 300.00 250.00
AFFILIATE 300.00 250.00
ASSOCIATE MEMBER 300.00 250.00
STUDENT 180.00 150.00
Non IEM Member 600.00 550.00

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