Past Event

2nd Mentors Workshop 2015 - "Log Book Training Scheme - Guidelines for Mentors"
Venue: Bangunan Ingenieur, 03- CSETD Lecture Room, 2nd Floor, 04- TUSTD Lecture Room, 2nd Floor
Date & Time: 19 Sep 2015 (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)
CPD: 3.5
Closing Date Before: 16-Sep-2015 (Subject to change based on availability of seat)
Organised By Standing Committee on Examination and Qualification

- To present the role and responsibilities of LBTS Mentors as cited in the LBTS Guidelines ( 2011 )
- To discourse on the effectiveness of LBTS vis-à-vis Mentors’ experiences in regard to ;
  • achieving continuality in mentoring (progress monitoring and provision of guidance/advice)
    and mentees’ performance or response
  • logging of knowledge learnt and competencies attained in the professional engineering discipline
  • logging of other observed or attained characteristics of professional disposition
- To register and welcome new LBTS mentors
- To provide a networking forum for standing and new LBTS mentors
- Do’s and Don’ts – Ethics, Recommended log book format etc.
- CPD for Mentors
- Briefing on Structured Training


Registration of Engineers Regulations 1990 states that a registered Graduate Engineer is required to obtain
practical experience for at least one year in Malaysia under the supervision of a registered Professional
Engineer of the same discipline or approved allied discipline.

In line with this, the Institution has drawn up a Log Book Training Scheme to provide for the proper
practical training of young graduates to ensure that such training conforms to the Institution Rules
concerning admission of Corporate Members and eventually as Professional Engineer.

The Professional Interview Regulation states that a candidate shall have had at least 3 years of approved
experience in planning, design, execution or management of such works as stipulated and relevant to the
profession of an engineer. Candidates can apply for Professional Interview after having undergone 3 years
of practical training.


1. To assist Graduate Engineers who are unable to obtain the supervision of a PEng in their own organisation.
2. To assist Graduate Engineers obtain their practical experience under a formal training scheme supervised
by a corporate member of the Institution before appearing for the Professional Interview.


1.To be eligible to register as Mentors, an Engineer must fulfill the following criteria:
  • Must be MIEM and a Professional Engineer for at least 3 years, and be in a responsible position
  • PEs who are less than three (3) years  as  Corporate Members (MIEM) could be appointed as LBTS Mentors
    provided they attend the Log Book Training Scheme Workshop at least twice before being accepted as a Mentor
  • Must not have more than 3 Mentees at any time.
  • Must be in the same or related discipline with the Mentee

2.Mentor should meet with Mentee at least once every three months to review and discuss issues related to his
or her training for guidance and verification.

3.Mentor should wherever possible visit the Mentee’s work place once during the tenure of the Mentorship.

In  the  event  that  it  is  impossible  due  to  distance  or  costs  constraints,  assistance  could  be
sought  from  the  regional  branch  representative  of  the  same  region  where  the  Mentee  is working to
visit the Mentee’s work place.

4.Where Mentor is outside of the Mentee’s organization, Mentor is encouraged to communicate regularly with
Mentee by all available modes of communication e.g. telephone, facsimile or e-mail.

Mentor  should  ensure  that  the  Mentee’s  immediate  superior  endorse  the  log  book  as declaration of
the accuracy and authenticity of the work done and later the log book will be endorsed again by the Mentor.

5.Mentor should inform the Mentee of his or her weaknesses from time to time and not wait until the last
minute to inform that whatever he has done so far is not correct.

6.Mentor needs to assess the work done by the Mentee in accordance with the training requirements by
The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia.

Mentor should encourage his or her Mentee to obtain relevant experience based on his or her area of expertise
for purpose of the Professional Interview.

Once a year, Mentor must ensure that the log book of his or her Mentee is presented to the Honorary Secretary
of the Institution for endorsement.

7.Mentor should advise the Mentee that in addition to core engineering practices, he/she should also obtain
  experience in the following areas:
  • Economics and Finance
  • Quality Systems
  • Environmental Management
  • Marketing
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Malaysian Law and Legal Systems of other countries
The training could probably be limited to the ratio of 80:20 inclined towards core engineering practices.

8.When mentoring Mentees, Mentors are advised to ensure a cordial relationship and in accordance with
  the norms accepted by society.

9.The log book submitted by the Mentee should include the following:
  • Brief description of jobs or tasks performed by the Mentee. Sketches or simple diagram may be used.  
    Detail investigations,  studies  and
  • Calculations could be submitted as attachments to the log book.
  • Record of activities should be in chronological order.
  • Seminars, talks or courses should be recorded in his or her log book and provided with a summary
    on the topics learned.

Corporate members who wish to register as Mentors for the Training Scheme are required to return
the Mentor’s Registration Form enclosed to IEM

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